Tuesday 22 April 2014

Another writing spiel

I think I've had it wrong with my approach to my blogs, the idea in my head has been that I would put a lot of effort into each post and create many well structured and finely written posts. The paucity of previous posts demonstrates the failure of this strategy.

Similarly, apart from the odd journal post, I haven't done a lot of other writing off blog either, despite the enjoyment I get from writing. I'm not aiming to be a writing professional, I just want to write as a hobby, so I need to lower my expectations of each post.

Blog posts are generally ephemeral, read briefly, by a few people, and promptly forgotten. The key, then, is to write, to make posts, regular posts, so that an audience can be built.

What sort of audience would I like? Well, if I knew that 50 people were going to read an average blog post and that 100 might read an interesting one and 20 might read a boring one, I'd be perfectly happy with my audience size. That's not a large number and should be achievable, given some time and effort.

What should I write these posts about? Well, whatever I feel like is, I think, a perfectly valid answer. Not wanting to make money off the blog, not needing a large audience, means that I have the freedom to write as I please.

I expect that posts about politics, current affairs, sport, ecological and environmental issues, books,  education, schooling, tutoring are likely to be the dominant topics, with posts about other topics appearing as it suits me.

I think most posts should be drafted and posted quickly, in response to my motivation at the time, with some posts taking a greater effort.

There's 8 days left in the month, I'm going to try and keep dashing off quick posts for those 8 days, both here and on the family blog. If I find that I've posted regularly, then I will add some links, do some work on the look of the blogs and start actively seeking readers.

If it doesn't happen, then I'll just continue to post periodically, more as an online journal than anything intended to reach an audience.

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