Tuesday 24 January 2017

A Year of books

I inhale words, there's not been a night of my adult life where I haven't read something before going to bed. Once, books held sole place in my nightly Festival of Reading. Those days are long gone, my trusty tablet has intruded into my bedroom and seized control of the reading agenda, just as the Internet bulldozed its way into my daily Reading Festivals and slashed the number of books I read over time. I still read books and by most people's standards, I read a lot of books. For the owner of a rather extensive library, however,  the number has dropped below acceptable levels and my ability to read for long periods of time without stopping has also diminished. Far worse than not being the man I used to be, I'm not the reader I used to be!

It's time, indeed it's beyond time to fight back. I am challenging myself to read more books. I don't know what my baseline is any more, so this year I will set a baseline by recording each book that I read and writing a short review about it.The world, after all, needs to know what my opinions about the things that I read are. Granted, the world isn't aware of this need, but Rome wasn't built in a day.

The ground rules: A book that has been read for the first time or substantially re-read shall be counted and reviewed. Reviews will be short. Picture books do not have to be counted but longer books that I read to Cassie do count. Reviews shall be posted here and on goodreads. This post will be updated periodically with the list of books read and links to the varying reviews.

The use of cliches and other writing shortcuts is permitted.

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