Thursday 7 February 2013

Another year over

Last February, I had signed up to attempt a teacher librarian course. That did not last, and it didn't last because I had no passion for it. This year, I am trying to start my own tutoring business. I believe I have a greater passion for that, which wouldn't be too difficult I grant you!

So, another attempt to turn into a regular blog that garners some occassional readers.

I make no promises to regularly update at this stage. I do promise to write about things I have a passion for. I promise to write with as much energy and vigour as I can. This is a blog where I would like to share my views and opinions about many topics. I would like those views to prompt reasoned, critical, thoughtful, respectful discussion. The discussion area is not run democratically. Trolls will be head butted off the bridge and sent down the river, never to be seen again.

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